Friday, November 27, 2015

Bravo Google: The Truth Has Power

I'm thoroughly enjoying how effective my first petition, HubPages' Writers are Entitled to All Earnings and Removal of Their Author Content, has become. And yesterday morning, I posted a YouTube video that reveals we (unofficially) have supporters in the hundreds.

I still haven't heard back from the IT team at about what could be a bug or glitch in my stats graph, though.

Some of you may may recall my November 8th blog post, Contributor by Google: Great Idea, Wrong Business Endorsement. The gist: on page 3 a photo of Paul Edmondson, CEO of HubPages Inc. – the business my petition is targeting – was shown along with three other site owners.

Well, tonight I see that on page 3 of Google's Contributor website information page is Jack Herrick, the founder of wikiHow. Could it be that Google has dropped Paul Edmondson's photo endorsement? I hope so. I'll certainly be checking Google's Contributor page more often.

Jack Herrick now shown on page 3 of Google Contributor page
Google's Contributor website now shows Jack Herrick on page 3 / Fair Use

On another note, I know many of you are too busy to write to the individual charities that Squidoo automatically sent some (or all) of our earnings to. These charities no longer receive a portion of our earnings, instead HubPages keeps it allI've already written to the ones that I donated to but I'm going to start writing to the others on your behalf.

Lastly, I hope all of my American friends and followers had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday. I'm Canadian, so I celebrated last month.

Remember, the most powerful thing you can do is tell the truth. Honesty is still the best policy.



  1. Replies
    1. Well, thanks (but I bet many people are silently helping me). I appreciate you dropping by "Unknown" and commenting. Take good care, Rose

  2. Hey, I followed you here from G+. Good for you for making this known. Charities (of which Hubpages is not) need every penny they can get. Keep up the pressure.

    1. Gee thanks Gayle, I'm glad to have new support on G+. You are right, to pocket the money that was earmarked for charity is unconscionable. And Paul Edmondson is a millionaire, I believe. Shame on him!
